Cloud White

Crystalline Marble stone is a metamorphic limestone with grains large enough to be visible with unaided eye, it has a full crystalline texture and mainly composed of calcite and small amounts of Wollastonite. The water absorption is usually under 1%, the Specific gravity is 2.65 g/cm3 & Compressive strength is 115 Mpa. It has a low porosity & proper Abrasion resistance. Crystalline Marble stone is suitable for exterior facades & pavements and has a good adhesion with grout. In order to avoid slippery, bush-hammered & cubic finishes can be applied on it.



available size thickness finishing
30*60 2cm hond
40*80 3cm polished
60*60 bush hamerd
scratch effect color density rigidity degree shemical formula
white off-waite leaning towards gray 2900kg/m3 3.5-4 dolomite marble